These little lovelies were taken by the Finders Keepers Photographer, Mark Lobo. You have to agree that he has done a fab job~ You can check out all the weekend pics on the Finders Keepers website.
It was such a whirlwind time, I can barely believe that I was there amongst all those inspiring and inspired folk! One of the many highlights was meeting up(finally) with Kylie Johnson of Paperboat Press whose poetry my husband and I have tatooed on our arms! She is a dear thing and it was wild to trip back along memory lane to discover our familiarity with each other stemmed from our tertiary studies at QUT all those moons ago.... ahh the small world! Check out her blog ,it is beautiful.
Shout out to te mono for my new belt, hand burnt with words of sweetness, another soul whose path I crossed and was (as yet) unable to discern from where it had crossed before...
And to my dear and most lovely girlfriend Leanne of Youngeve for everything we did together and dont seem to do enough of when we get back home... My only regret is not taking more photos of US. Beccofino and Flamingo(hi Netty!!!!) were definitely another highlight, oh and the shiraz!
One more thing I would like to mention, if you have the latest issue of Frankie flick to the letters to the editor and you will find the first letter is from me! Which is cool...for me..but more importantly its content. My family are an awesome, diverse and supportive bunch of people dispersed far and wide in this great country. For those that were in town and came to support my little venture at FK complete with cameras (!) I thank you muchungs too!